Four female pioneers - gift box
Four female pioneers - gift box
Spinneriet Lindome
Spinnmästarevägen 2
437 34 Lindome
Four female pioneers – Gertrude Stein, Stella Kleve, Charlotte Perkins Gilman & Edith Södergran
This box contains texts by four trailblazing women – four trailblazers who defied convention and broke new ground, and who left behind a legacy that – one hundred and fifty years later – still lives on.
They were modernists, self-proclaimed geniuses, and they experimented with form and with rhythm. They wrote about burning topics and upset critics and readers alike. They punctured the male-created worldview that stifled contemporary women with demands for virtue and morality. In poems and short stories, articles and novels, they questioned the unequal marriage. They carved out the new woman, gave her a body, a look, an intellect – and a desire.
The box contains four books:
Gertrude Stein – Milda Lena
Stella Kleve – Pyrrhic victories
Charlotte Perkins Gilman – The Yellow Wallpaper
Edith Södergran – Selected poems